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Is something wrong with SP community?

18.5k alexchub1  7.4 years ago

Please tell me why I get no upvotes and even no downloading on cool posts?

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    @helilover03 I posted a new plane

    7.4 years ago
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    18.5k alexchub1

    Thanks @Gestour @LiamW

    7.4 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    And practice a LOT with how to make different shapes with adjustable fuselage blocks and try not to use normal blocks as they put people off

    7.4 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    With such a great community of excellent builders, the standard can get raised almost unachievably high. This presents quite the challenge in managing to get recognised. Keep trying improve and it may one day happen.
    Ps, when you get inevitably to silver and especially gold you will be recognised a little more.

    7.4 years ago
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    314k Gestour

    No, they just expect more.
    Theres nothing wrong with the stuff you build, but it's all pretty basic stuff that anyone could make in a fairly short period of time.
    Plus your screenshots are poorly taken. You have to get a good angle, catch the light, because thats all people have to go by when scrolling through the new plane section.
    Thats my opinion

    7.4 years ago