Worked days on the mech, days on the walker, and hours on the hovercar. I think they probably should've got, but what do you guys think?
I can understand maybe the mods on the walker, but the other two at least?
What is the best time to post? Featuring my best planes that got no upvotes somehow so nobody saw them.
5,991 LimitedShelf568
7.6 years ago
@MechWARRIOR57 Well go get a mod then
@MechWARRIOR57 I was trying to address a concern about the upvote imbalances on this website
@MechWARRIOR57 I don't see you point, this post wasn't made to advertise, it's in the questions section. It's not against the rules.
@MechWARRIOR57 Don't you like mechs? Did you read the post or look at the link to the mech?
@F104Deathtrap Plainly, I think they need to increase our ability to upvote posts
@LimitedShelf568 Yeah, competition for votes is a possibility. Mostly, I think some kinds of builds catch more attention than others, but there are plenty of exceptions. I do not equate upvotes to quality, and I don't mind that only a slim percentage of SP users vote. I played this game for almost a year before I created an account and started uploading and voting. But I do understand the desire to have your creations seen and appreciated. I would say that it's important to upload one at a time, and do what you can to make them stand out. Background mods can help, for example.
@BenAtennyson can't give one rn b/c of the upvote cooldwon
@BenAtennyson Dang you deserve way more upvotes
@F104Deathtrap Thanks bro. Problem is i did upload those at primetime; subsequently I hopelessly uploaded a third post with a single terrible picture literally minutes after the walker and mech and it blew up for whatever reason. Also I follow sleddriver, he actually spotlighted that post. Now that I'm thinking about it more I believe the problem is with the upvote limiter. I think that it's causing the upvotes to come in sort of sporadic bursts. First of all, not very many people actually give upvotes; there are about 100k people that use Simpleplanes regularly but the upvote record on a single post is only like a few hundred but it had thousands of downloads. Secondly when they do upvote there is a cooldown, and whichever post they upvoted moves up in the hottest list, which gets a lot more traffic than the newest list while whatever planes aren't lucky enough to get a vote get buried. And thirdly, too many people are uploading at primetime than regular upvoters can keep up with.
Well that was kind of a mouthful lol, but what do you think?
@MechWARRIOR57 Lol this isn't advertising, it's a question about when to upload. I don't care about the upvotes themselves, it's just better to have more b/c more people see the post when you get more upvotes
There are numerous factors that effect upvotes in addition to time. Foremost is probably photography, if the opening picture doesn't interest people you've already lost them before they even know what you've made. Rather than worryibg about getting the whole thing in frame, consider details that make it stand out, or an angle that really confronts the viewer. Second is recognition, are they familiar with this plane/ship/meme/pony/mech/breakfast cereal? How about you or anyone that's spotlighted it? Builders who make a lot of original creations sometimes struggle to generate interest, but if they can create sometimethibg visually explosive, the shock value can work in their favor ( check out Sleddriver as an example, all his craft are his imagination, but his sense of style has generated a huge buzz around here).
Anyway, to answer your question, weekends are best, probably Atlantic primetime if you want to time it to the hour. The more users online, the more available traffic you'll have. The key is getting past the first 25 or so votes and making it to the front page.