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easy convoy assault

713 FireNut58  7.6 years ago

i need help how do beat convoy assault w/ no bombs and little effort reason i say no bombs is well because i suck at bombing things

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    High speed, high angle and big bombs. The little 25's are good for easy to hit stuff like bridges and ships, but it's better to use 50s for the convoys because they have a wider damage area and are more forgiving if you miss a little.

    Start your attack up high, above 10,000 feet so you have plenty of time to get your angle and speed right before it's time to release the bombs. When you are over your target, flip over and dive down hard on it, keep your angle STEEP, 70 degrees to 90 degrees is best. Use your gunsight to aim the nose of your plane BELOW your target, that way you can straighten up the direction of your dive and get a good line on the target. If you keep the gunsight directly on the target you won't be able to turn properly and you won't be able to get a nice straight run . A FAST, STEEP dive will ensure the bombs land close to where you aim. Around 3000 feet, put the gunsight on (or slightly above) the target and hold it there untill you're low enough to release the bombs. At 1500 to 1000 feet, release the bombs and IMMEDIATELY pull up. Do not release bombs below 1000 feet, DO NOT TRY TO MANEUVER IN ANY DIRECTION WHILE RELEASING BOMBS OR THEY WILL HIT YOUR OWN PLANE, do not hesitate to pull up at 1000 feet.

    I know you said "no bombs" but I hope this helps anyway.

    +1 7.6 years ago
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    713 FireNut58

    @Tully2001 thx how ever i still kept dying tho i did love the sweet cockpit i did say i stink at bombs in the post i also found infernos pointless because the moment i fired them they be like o you are there and then by the time i got a shot they shoot me down already

    7.6 years ago