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Idea for new block: TURRET BLOCK

814 SirGareth  7.6 years ago

Like the title says, we need a turret block. How would it work, what it be shaped like, etc? Read on to find out!

The block would be shaped as either a sphere or hemisphere, the same as the new blocks. The difference would be in the settings and in the way it behaves.

Initially, the block would not have any guns or cameras. However, in the settings of the block you could add a first or third person camera, adjustable like any other camera. You could add guns to the turret whoever you liked on it as if it were a pylon/wing combination, and whoever you liked on it.

The way the block would work is by automatically pointing at the nearest plane, with a crosshair like that of a cockpit. It could lead or lock on, I'm not sure. You press the fire button to fire the guns as per the usual, but when fired the turret would be aiming at the enemy automatically, meaning the bullets would hopefully hit. It could have an effective range that is adjustable.

Overall, i think turrets would be a great addition to the game and would make bomber builds all the more realistic. Just imagine a mission where you had to bomb enemy gun poisitions while fending off fighters. Naturally, you could also attach blocks and missiles/rockets to the turret if you so wished.

And that's the end. I hope this idea gets implemented in the 1.7 or 1.8 update, thanks for reading!