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Unveiling the MO-14.3 (Gazelle)| MTAV MK9 "Mist" [To Be Released]

33.1k AverroesIndustries  7.7 years ago

All Tanks are produced and used by the Qarmaytian Republic, Who succeeded the Qing Dynasty in the 1911 Xinhai Revolution.

The MO-14.3, Branching off the MO-14.2, Designed in 1939 as a copy of the Light Tank T24 (In this timeline, the United States Army Ordnance Corps build the Light Tank T24 off the T7 Light tank Design, Without help from Cadillac), However the NRA's Ministry of Defence insisted on a revised design, There came the MO-14.3, A light tank with extraordinary mobility and firepower comparable to the T-34 of its time.

 here, it stalks the forest, on a scouting mission.

At the Minhai Testing Grounds

The M.T.A.V Mark 9, Nicknamed "Mist" performed well in the Tian Shan Mountain/Forest controlled test, MK9 Did not break down in any of its trials except during when a rockslide smashed the tank's drivewheel.

It has 120mm, Can surpass the KV-1 in the field of Mobility, Firepower and Armour, it was in general an Apex tank, designed in 1937 and fielded in 1941. 4 years were used to finalise the Design which resulted in the Multi Terrain Assault Vehicle Mark 9!


MO14.3 Gazelle

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    @Alix451 .-. I don't care

    7.7 years ago
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    3,942 Alix451

    Just my opinion, still a cool tank

    7.7 years ago
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    3,942 Alix451

    A 120mm for WW2 makes no sense, a 75-90mm gun would make sense. And it looks like it's from 1944, not the late thirties

    7.7 years ago
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    7.7 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    Yay! You are building again

    7.7 years ago