I think I might start trying out building helicopters,what do you think?
What about Hypno Copters? Sounds cool to me,though idk how it'd work out
I think I might start trying out building helicopters,what do you think?
What about Hypno Copters? Sounds cool to me,though idk how it'd work out
@LowDetail a hypnocopter sounds neat. Go ahead, try making one. If it doesnt work youll learn what stuff does and doesnt work which can make your later builds better.
If you do need help, feel free to ask and I can do whatever I can to help you.
Ooh hypnocopters sound cool
@jamesPLANESii Thanks
Ahh guess it's just my personality
But it's true that I'm bad at making hypno bodies that aren't single layers
Why do you always doubt yourself? You're pretty good! @LowDetail
@jamesPLANESii Haha yep,though right now I'm hopeless at making hypno bodies
Hypno copters sounds like a good idea!