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Building without mods

2,657 SPYDA  7.5 years ago

So I made a, I guess you could say, "vow" to never use mods, in any of my creations. Nowadays, not using mods is not really helping me out. I can build any kind of car chassis, and most plane shapes I can think of, But I struggle with detail. I mean minor details.( Such as, knobs, lights, doors, bodies of vehicles, Ect. The list goes on.) I guess what I'm trying to say is, should I use Mods now? ( smaller parts, 45 degree angled blocks, etc.) Or should I make my creations bigger, allowing more room for details? And if there is anymore people out there who still build with stock parts that have any tips or tricks, that you would like to tell me, I'm open to suggestions. Thanks guys.