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mobile friendly airliner

1,193 Geoplanes  7.6 years ago

can someone make one plz cause really arent any they all lag so much

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    165 Jams

    I am making one at the minute. I will send a like when I have made it.

    4.3 years ago
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    I definitely want a mobile friendly airliner too
    I'm so sick of the game running at like 3fps

    6.1 years ago
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    63.2k EpicPigster1

    There are quite a few on the website already... If you want, check out some of my airliners (I made them a few weeks back), specifically my 747-100 or my Air Transat planes. They are low on part count (200 or so). If you need anything lower, let me know.

    7.6 years ago