Although I've played the game for a while I havet figured how to post planes and I have one that I really want to upload. Any help would be great. Thank you
Although I've played the game for a while I havet figured how to post planes and I have one that I really want to upload. Any help would be great. Thank you
I still don't understand how some people are so unobservant
You go to the editor, select the plane you want to upload, hit the 3 lines button, select share plane (top blue button), select your account and type (public for planes we all can see, unlisted for only yourself) and voila! Make sure you title it and give it a description. Just remember, no spamming planes (especially if they aren't good), no begging for upvotes, you will get them if the plane deserves them (these are just pet peeves of mine :)! Hope this helps!