Well, I've been here for two years, and so far this is the only game I've played for that long in my life. The second game I've played for the longest time was Spore. Sorry if I don't upload anything for a while, I'm just a bit busy preparing for my enrolment to study in the UK this September.
This community is the one that keeps me playing this game, and it's definitely worth it :D
@Leonelarminrocks7 :D
@JovianPat NICE!
@Leonelarminrocks7 Thanks! Actually I've been platinum since this January :)
CONGRATS! Platinum well earned.
@Kerbango Thanks!
Congratulations. I will be hitting one year in the next couple of weeks.
@Tully2001 Yep. I'm amazed that this simple indie game has grown so much.
@Tully2001 I joined SP when it was version 1.0 I think. Fuselages didn't exist and we only have one island, Wright. Hypnotoad became the first ever Platinum user not long after I joined.