I know in some part, that I'm wrong.
My purpose was to encourage people, and make them feel better about themselves, and their creations.
So, I'm posting this to say: I'm sorry, but this is not what you think it is.
This is about upvoting the wonderful creations that I forgot to (and then came this mania).
As any of you might know, there are tons and tons of creations laying about on this site. However, a tiny fraction of those are truly great.
And that's what I intended to upvote.
I am very aware that the upvoting system here does not limit upvotes in one day, so I took advantage of it.
I know that small users, as I am, do make plenty of mistakes.
The internet is a big, big place, and only here that I made myself comfortable, but I abused it.
At the end of the day, I realized I was wrong, and I thank you moderators for correcting me and other users.
So, in short,
Sorry site moderators.
Sorry users that are angry about me
And last but not least, sorry everybody I have upvoted wrongly.
@Tully2001 That's exactly what I did, but it seems that my explanation wasn't enough for the mods in my last post :(
@General360 I get it. Anyway, thanks!
You don't have to upvote things constantly. Plus I believe there is an upvote cool down. I've seen it before a couple of times. When you upvote too many times, the site lets you know.
Hmm... I see your point now. @aceofspades2707
@Awsomur That's what I'm talking about.
Are you kidding me? Who gets out 100 upvotes a day? I do that in like a month! @aceofspades2707
@Alienbeef0421 @Awsomur I think a generous amount like 100 upvotes would do.
How about 50 upvotes/day?
And I did understand what you meant. @aceofspades2707
Still, it would stop people from upvoting the things they like. @aceofspades2707
@Awsomur you don't get me.
How in the world can't you get me?
I mean how much people can upvote a day, not how many upvotes can people get a day.
Daily upvote limit is a terrible idea. Absolutely awful. It would hinder support of great planes and frustrate people.
@General360 I don't understand what you mean, but, if the new rule is placed, IMO, will kinda prevent abuse of the system.
So, what you are saying is that new users will be put into danger of being on the top of the community and divide it just like the Berlin Wall did.