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Programmable Autopilot Demonstration

8,106 LofiTurtle  7.6 years ago

I've finally gotten a laptop, and that gave me the ability to XML mod something that I've wanted to make for a long time... Autopilot!

Here is a video of the first prototype I made, and here is a stationary test. It is very basic, but my own patience is the only limit to how detailed later programmed flight paths can get.

The concept behind it is you have two rotators attached to each other rotating at the same speed in opposite directions. The distance they rotate allows for the delay, and making one rotate a few degrees further than the other lets it rotate that amount once the delay rotation has expired. By attaching a wing to this, it acts like programmed flight controls.

Expect to see me making more things like this in the future :)

Download it here!

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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    @doge it's all just for fun. Finding islands and stuff isn't a problem anymore with maps and less complex creations already out there. My end goal was programmed flight paths between airports and stuff. It's not practical, but that's what makes it fun :)

    7.6 years ago
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    13.3k doge

    Great concept not very practical tho

    7.6 years ago
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    13.3k doge


    7.6 years ago
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    13.3k doge

    Becuse its only usefull if you dont know where the islands are and if thats the way he has is setup its kinda broken

    7.6 years ago
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    How come this hasn't got any attention? Th is potentially GROUNDBREAKING

    7.6 years ago