Mobile friendly, of course.
Now, to start with, what paint job should it be? I do want Ace Combat schemes but I don't want to go with crazy schemes like Silber. Just simple schemes that can easily be integrated. I cap my creations at 250 parts so Android dudes can fly it lag free (of course, I know the feeling).
Comment down below!
@Alienbeef0421 Sorcerer.
@MaximusTheMinimus @F104Deathtrap
About my F-2A, should I do it in Wizard or Sorcerer?
@Alienbeef0421 thanks m8
@MaximusTheMinimus 250
Good to know. Mobile friendly I assume?
@F4f879 Thanks!
@F104DeathTrap if u want to include plenty of details and encompass many mobile users, 400-600 is a good range
@F4f879 @Alienbeef0421 Someone asked me to make a mobile friendly bomber and I have no idea how many parts to shoot for. I love making detailed planes but I don't want to exclude anybody.
@F104Deathtrap my iPhone can run 760+ on low physics
@F104Deathtrap my phone lags at 95 parts
Is 250 really the limit for when stuff gets saggy for phones?! I feel lime such a jerk now for using so many extra parts.