After a series of totalking races, I have decided the winners of the race car challenge.
First race:helilover03's f1 VS Phantom1's F1 Phantom1 wins! (Helilover03 crashed)
Second race:fronk1219's old Veteran racer VS TheXDimension32's Race challenge fronk1219 WINS! (TheXDimension32 crashes)
Final: fronk1219 zooms past Phantom1, but he retaliated and comes back! But at the sharp turn, phantom1 loses his speed, leading to fronk1219'see victory!
Thank you to all the competitors and congrats to fronk1219!
@Fronk1219 I'll try.
Thanks @TheXDimension32
Also I'm doing a super truck challenge please join
This was My first challenge and I won
I got to final that's a first for me
@fronk1219 congrats
@helilover03 @Phantom1 good job
Gg fronk