First, add user selectable number of repetitions and another option which detects some common crashes/loops that will restart/advance the match
Second, add and an option that automatically switches the starting lanes
Third, DATA! For us, tournament players, It is better if we have a minimap with output file that says what happens where and when. My excel file became very big and bulky, and that Pause/Unpause/SlowMo/UnslowMo thingy almost wiped out the corresponding keys while trying to visualy analyze what happens with the current model
Thanks in advance
There's a 'New Post' button placed on the left side, and for each subforum
@EarthwormJim how do u post a furum?
Yeah, some changes can be made so the models from tournaments to be in a separate folder. Also it will be good those models to be downloaded on demand so the tourney users can test against them when they want to ...
It would also be good if we didn't need to race against an opponent too.