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"Newest/hottest Showlist"

6,515 Dynamicneedle  7.6 years ago

Well i noticed some people complaining about their planes getting no attention,so i had this idea recently:

Its Called "Newest/Hottest Showlist"

its basically a list of the hottest and/or newest uploads on the site I thought of, i imagine something similar to those images that show up in the main section of the page but instead of showing the images of the website it shows images of the newst uploaded and/or hottest creations too! when you hover your mouse over them they get bigger and show the time it was uploaded and the creator, i see it very convenient if you are waiting for someone to upload something you were waiting for, also for other things too, like(in an hipothetical case)someone steals your plane you could notice it and report it very quickly.

So i notice two big advantages

Number 1: New people get their creations noticed and gain recognition.

Number 2: This could counter-act any steal attempt on any of our creations.

If you see another benefit of this feature, let me know in the comments and i will add it into the list giving credits to the respective person.

Let me Know if you Support this suggestion!

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    @MrDoolittle okay m8 no problem ;)

    7.6 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @Dynamicneedle lolololol sorry for my vulgar vocab but I am not mad and did not mean for it to be intrepided that way. I was merely trying to say the easy fix to your problem is pay more attention to the newest tab.

    7.6 years ago
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    @MrDoolittle Woah! calm those steams you got there, its a suggestion!, if you dont agree with it, then you simply dont! and continue your life in anywhere-you-live-land just dont come to me with those attitudes its rude!

    7.6 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @Dynamicneedle I am telling you, if you think being noticed is hard for new users go upvote their sh*t in the newest tab. Pretty simple

    7.6 years ago
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    @MrDoolittle i made this because not anyone goes through the newest tab so constantly, instead of this, this idea would be like a list in "Real-time" of the Newest and/or hottest creations on the website so people dont "waste" their time going through all the things in newest tab, and simply see what is being uploaded while you write a comment, or make a post or even when you are already seeing another creation...

    7.6 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    Lol it's already exists. If you want to give new users attention cruise in the newest section under airplanes

    7.6 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan if you like this, help the Idea spread!

    7.6 years ago