It it possible to add multi function controls surfaces on wings, which can be used as an elevator, aileron or even a flap? Also sorry if this has been asked many times but will leading edge slats be added to wings? thanks
It it possible to add multi function controls surfaces on wings, which can be used as an elevator, aileron or even a flap? Also sorry if this has been asked many times but will leading edge slats be added to wings? thanks
Hey, just tried this and the control surface isn’t working at all. Anybody know why?
Actually, you can. Go into the XML editor and select the control surface function. Then in the imput section, type the controls u want utilised separated by a +. For example: Roll+Pitch
@Antares458 Liam is correct. You can make the all moving tail surfaces into stabilators. My Mig-25 is designed that way, the horizontal tail responds to pitch and roll inputs.
@LiamW ah, those were the words I was looking for too, oh well, thanks for the suggestion :p
Unfortunately you cant simply make elevons or flaperons. You can try making custome control surfaces by sticking a small wing on two rotators with pitch and roll inputs.
you can, just add another conrol surface