A while ago Jelly player this game, he called people pieces of crap and said others planes were his. He was a massive troll and his 5 year old followers plagiarized and painted green the highest rated planes to get featured. The website was slow with the amount of planes being plagiarized as well as the amount of accounts being made and the ban hammer was dropped I don't know how many times because of plagiarism. He even said he took over the website and he loved doing it. so I saw him as dagon in the elder scrolls IV oblivion and the followers were the mithic dawn.but those days are long gone and SP is at peace.
Meh, Ccooper was more controversial if you ask me. @DisferGoatz
@Awsomur I don't think calling this Jelly Crisis "nothing" is the right word for this..
Just saying.
Oh that's nothing, remember Ccooper?
@destroyerP lmao xD
Gets pewdiepie to play simpleplanes @BirdOfSteel
dont start it again
Yeah! Lucky no huge youtuber playing this game for now, otherwise chances are, there might be a second jelly war like or whatever it is.
Sheogorath > Mehrunes Dagon