Although I love that us mobile users can now download any thing no matter the part count, I want to make it clear to computer creators, even though we don't have the restrictions any more for part count, are devices will lag a ton and crash, it already was very laggy with restricted part count at max, please still make creations with not as parts if you want it a little mobile friendly, just because the part count restrictions are gone, doesn't mean you should stop making mobile friendly builds.
Yeah I guess @Flightsonic
If that were the case, I should just scrap all the detail off of my project now... which doesn't make sense
I suppose@Flightsonic @Flightsonic
At least imo, if a build is going to be 1000 parts+, the creator isn't going to cater and cut it down to 500, because well, it's a 1000 part build. I don't mean to be rude, but not everyone is going to compensate for people with less processing power