Working icbm ! 4 in total I have to scale them and stuff but I have 30 percent of the sub done and 90 percent of the icbm !
What else should I put in it and I took lots of inspiration for the sub body from @CjrLdy I built it but it looks vary similar lol
And It will be 500 or 1000 ft long you pick
Probably @F4f879
Lol sorry I meant, are you going to use cleavers as ICBMs on your sub? @Kevinairlines
Sorry what @F4f879
So cleavers for ICMBs? @Kevinairlines
Oh haha cool @Kevinairlines
No I have a crapy pc to lol @F4f879
You use iOS too, so wouldn't 1000 be pushing it XD @Kevinairlines
lol ok @Blue0Bull @F4f879