Hi all!
If one uses somebody else's plane as starting point or uses pre-made parts, the answer is no-brainer: predecessor/successor system. But what is the correct procedure when you borrow someone's ideas and methods but build it from ground up? Is attributing credits in description enough?
@Jukkelus no problem buddy.
@EternalDarkness @jamesPLANESii @GINGER01 thanks for advice!
Put it at the top of the description so people will see it also, and people will see you made the original stuff and possible check them out.
Like this: Thanks @[whoever made the original design] for the original design of this plane!
Thanks for @[whoever made the sub assemblies of the plane] for the sub assemblies!
If the plane uses a few parts someone else made, it often won't be a successor. In that case, you give credit in description (certain part made my (put username here)). It's also a nice thing to do if you used someone else's idea.