Hello, when I was building a plane, I placed a normal Blade T1000, then when I tried to change the setting, the engine power said "MAX" and the blade diameter also said "MAX" and a split second after, my game crashed. I play on IOS, so I don't have access to any mods or even beta. Does anyone have any clue on what happened? (This occurred twice)
Happened to me in Android but it never crashed
The t1000 blade and power crash glitch happened to me too I use iOS and it's a really good phone it can handle 1300 parts at 30fps still a bit choppy at full Phisics but smooth on low so I don't know what is going on with that it happened only once and never happened again @NathanMikeska
Never happened to me. I'm also on iOS, I used the prop on the propulsion folder. Not even once have happened.
Let us know if you can reliably reproduce the issue. If you can tell us the exact steps that cause the issue every time, it would help tremendously in tracking down the bug.
It happens to me sometimes
This happens to me too
Yes @tsampoy
@alexchub1 The developers must see this forum.
Yeah that happens a lot... :( @AndrewGarrison maybe fix in 1.7?
@alexchub1 Do you play on IOS?
I am on android @tsampoy
Every time when I am trying to make prop plane. That's why I don't make prop planes a lot((
@alexchub1 Okaaaaaay... There are other people that have this glitch.
The same @tsampoy
@Awsomur It does look like it was modded.
That is odd... @tsampoy
@Awsomur No, I used the one you have in the propulsion folder.
You could be using a modded engine from another plane.