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McD F-4E Phantom II -- Should I Finish It or Not?

30.4k ChiChiWerx  7.4 years ago

F-4E Europe 1 Scheme

So, my objective here was to make a replica which flew great while accurately capturing the overall shape and charisma of the Phantom. I want to keep the part count relatively low (under 200 if possible) so that laggier, slower devices can fly it, performance realistic while not relying on multiplying engine power by five times--hence the blocky wings, while including the most important details. I'm already around 4,500 drag points, however, so I'm going to have to increase engine power to achieve the performance numbers. Which brings me to my query: As I will be unable to achieve all my objectives here, should I continue this build?

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    Continue mate. You're nearly there! Don't do what I did.

    7.4 years ago
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    16.4k ThePrototype

    Continue, I want to see a phantom

    7.4 years ago
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    You would absolutely need to multiply the power of the engines to reach its theoretical max speed. You will also have to multiply it's mass quite a bit in order to get the enormous turning radius and brutish handling characteristics. Bear in mind, this plane was big and heavy, designed to go fast in a straight line, NOT twist and turn like a Mig17. This build looks GREAT, you owe it to yourself to finish it.

    7.4 years ago
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    11.6k shipster


    7.4 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @Coltonlane, oh yeah, it already has an M61 Vulcan cannon (minigun) and will carry 3 bags (drop tanks).

    7.4 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @Coltonlane I'm probably going to load it out with 2x or 4x AIM-7 Sparrows (Interceptors), 2x AGM-64 Mavericks (Infernos) and 4x Mark-82 500 lb bombs (Boom 50s). Users can swap the stores out for AIM-9s or rockets if they would like.

    7.4 years ago
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    13.3k doge


    7.4 years ago
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    21.8k F4f879


    7.4 years ago