The build-off will be EXTENDED TO TUESDAY.
"MrSilverWolf: and you didnt have to close teh build off, id say just move the date to tuseday for when the planes are going to be in"
*Over this weekend, @MrSilverwolf and I are going to do a friendly competition: A build-off. *
- Both aircraft will be uploaded before the end of Tuesday to make sure both designs are polished to the last bit.
- Both aircraft will (probably) NOT BE MOBILE FRIENDLY.
- Both aircraft will have a 1000 part part limit that we will likely not use up.
A stawpoll post will be open on Monday for you do decide the winner anonymously.
I will be livestreaming on steam over the weekend. Come back here tomorrow for the link.
Wolf had some delays over the weekend. I thought it would be only fair to give him a few more days. Hopefully he can finish by Friday @Billybobjoe
@BaconAircraft when will it be uploaded ?
@BaconAircraft oh face palm
Yep @MrSilverWolf
And did a actually do that typo there?
yo Crazy !!!...
@BaconAircraft YAY!!!
@EpicPigster1 @kerothehero its back up...
So it doesn't need to be cancelled, I'd say just moving the date to Tuesday instead
@BaconAircraft I'm doing my flight at 4pm so I should be able to get to doing the build off tomorrow for a few hours at least
@kerothehero The only reason why we are originally able to do this buildoff was the fact that the airport near MrSilverwolf was closed. Since it is now reopened now, he will be busy this weekend.
Y ??
@MrSilverWolf lolrip
@BaconAircraft remember when I said that I didn't think the airport would open, well it did about an hour ago lol
Ooooh i'm excited!