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Add a "lock position" button for slides?

1,345 XT1L  7.4 years ago

Edit 9.21 I found a way to solve the problem:
when you put the slide at the right position, don't left your finger from the screen. Instead, click on the top left to quit editer.
The turned part will turn the initially turned angle + the maximum angle it can turn. (For example you turnd the part 15degres, and the maximum angle is 180 degree, your part will turn 15+180=195 degres.) Then you just need to pull the slide full back once (to the maximum, -180 degrees) to get the desired angle

Original: I love the new part transform tool since it gives iOS users like me a chance to modify certain parts without help of others. However, those slides that are used to modify angle are extremely hard to control. Most of the time when I take off my finger from the screen, the slide will displace and I have to restart again. So maybe a buttom that locks the position of slides could be added?

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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Oh no, it's actually fairly simple now that I've tried it, cheers once again

    7.4 years ago
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    1,345 XT1L

    It's easier to use than it sounds. Maybe an explanation with image is better, but I don't know how to put picture in my post@CoolPeach

    7.4 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Wow, that's incredibly complicated, but if it works it works. Cheers

    7.4 years ago
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    1,345 XT1L

    i found a solution: when you put the slide at the right position, don't left your finger from the screen. Instead, click on the top left to quit editer. The turned part will turn the initially turned angle + the maximum angle it can turn. Then you just need to pull the slide full back once to get the desired angle@CoolPeach

    7.4 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    I know that, but what about the rotation sliders?

    7.4 years ago
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    18.5k alexchub1


    7.4 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    They're necessary features that got overlooked, they'd help big time. @XT1L

    7.4 years ago
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    1,345 XT1L

    that is also a great option@CoolPeach

    7.4 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Or a place where you could type the number in?

    7.4 years ago