Here are some preeeety screenshots taken in 1.6 and 1.7. Some might contain bugs that needs to be squish!
Damn explosion
Fast and furious
Manage to pause at the right moment
Runway to heaven
It looks like a cluster of stars
First successful landing on a destroyer!
Such an awkward position...
Once again, another bug...
It's raining detachter!
What a fail...
The close up view of the WW2 destroyer
When you try to hide the damage, and it's not working
Look at the hinge rotator!
A view from the second USS Tiny
Hopefully the devs fix the bugs!
It actually still happens because I just got that same bug yesterday. @Hayhayjam664
Also the one in the editor wher the sliders go weird @destroyerP
When you drive a vehicle with bombs inside and it suddenly destroy hmm... @Hayhayjam664
The first one has happened to me before
Umm... I still have a bunch more photos to show, but I will not upload them now @DarthAbhinav
Dead @QingyuZhou
What's going on with those greenish worms? ;)
I can have vague command the sea levels.. or the island hight (I don't know)
Hey look USS Tiny got an upgrade (it looks longer haven't checked though) and a partner (the destroyer) finally
Then Idk. I can see though @BenAtennyson
Hmm... well I haven't experienced any bugs as of late... I guess only time will tell... @destroyerP
Those bugs happen rarely, so I am not entirely sure if they are fix @Maxwell1
And so they did!