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Rotators don't load in Unity

1,204 Jukkelus  7.4 years ago

I needed a rotator with trim to my plane with stabilators and decided to try little modding. I installed Unity and imported SimplePlanes ModTools. In Unity I created new project and tried to clone Small Rotator but I get following error:

ArgumentException: The requested value 'hinge' was not found.
System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value, Boolean ignoreCase) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/Enum.cs:692)
System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/Enum.cs:547)
Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.Editor.PartTypes.ClonePart (System.String partId, Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.Parts.Part part)
Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.Editor.PartEditor.ShowUninitializedGUI (Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.Parts.Part part)
Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.Editor.PartEditor.OnInspectorGUI ()
UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditor (UnityEditor.Editor editor, Int32 editorIndex, Boolean rebuildOptimizedGUIBlock, System.Boolean& showImportedObjectBarNext, UnityEngine.Rect& importedObjectBarRect) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Inspector/InspectorWindow.cs:1231)

Other parts seems to work except Rotator, Small Rotator and Hinge Rotator.
PC / Unity 5.3.8p2 Personal. Can you please help me?

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    1,204 Jukkelus

    @WNP78 That's genious, thanks!

    BTW Re-installed 5.3.6.f1 Personal but problem continues :/ (in case I ever need to modify a rotator)

    7.4 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @Jukkelus have two rotators, one set to "Pitch" and one set to "Trim". the trim one should have 1/8 the range of the pitch one.

    7.4 years ago
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    1,204 Jukkelus

    @WNP78 firstly, is there an easier way to add trim function to rotator? I ended up using stabilator (small wing turned by a rotator). It's input can be selected (I used pitch) but there is no option for trim. I tried to xml-edit trim="on" to rotator but it didn't work.

    secondly, thanks! I'll have to look for installer for that.

    7.4 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    firstly, I don't see why you'd need to make a mod in unity to trim your plane, but ignoring that, SP runs unity 5.3.6, that may be your problem.

    7.4 years ago