I am currently working on an American Airlines 777-300ER. So far I like it but I want to post a private version so I can hear what you guys like or dislike. I will make whatever changes than post it.
Anyone want to try?
777 Testing Wanted
76.9k 2Papi2Chulo
7.3 years ago
@TheXDimension32 thanks
@TheXDimension32 k
@EpicPigster1 @Gavib Once I can post it I will tag you
pick me!
What about me? This is one of the ladt days i'll be super active on the site, so I really want to see :)
@QingyuZhou Yeah I'll let you help and give me advice. I know you are great at airliners so it will help. Thanks.
Need any help from me?
@BaconEggs I'll tag you once I post it.
I'm excited for a 777, I wanna see it!
@Awsomur got it
Tag me!
I can try @TheXDimension32
@F4f879 383 parts but you may want to turn down your terrain if your on mobile.
How big is it?