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304 SimpleMADNESS  7.3 years ago

With so much users on this site, most of them "Including me" are using most of their time to create the best planes they can. I just don't get why people aren't noticing and checking on the newest planes section. It seems like they want to leave us alone and look up to bigger users. This is disappointing and sad for us. I'm. It trying to force you people but it is hard for people to get points like this.

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    54.2k CoolPeach

    Yes also what @Brields95 said, the newest section is usually full of planes that are... of a lower quality than those on the hottest page

    7.3 years ago
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    Because the newest page is flooded with cheese

    7.3 years ago
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    54.2k CoolPeach

    Replicas go far in the SP community, especially WW2 planes or large commercial airliners. Fictional planes are a bit of a niche and aren't as popular as replicas. Maybe trying out a replica could be the attention that your seeking. But please don't pump out replicas that took only an hour, we already have enough of those. Build something of quality, something that takes time and effort, that's what will attract people. Just look at my first plane, poor compared to my standards now, but good enough to get people interested.

    7.3 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    I’m a former gold user (if you add point totals I’d be around 10k now) and I’m still learning new tricks. this plane gave me an insight to how to make good stealth shapes, and now I’m working on my first realistic looking stealth fighter.

    7.3 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    This advice can apply to everyone who wants to be noticed.

    7.3 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    When you build a plane, people usually don’t like to see a cylinder with a nose cone, engine, and wings strapped on. People like more complex stuff. And lots of detail. The highest rated plane on the site was insanely high detail for its time. Now, a good, detailed plane is usually 200+ parts. A good way to learn is to take apart other peoples planes and see how they’re built. nudge is a lifesaver and don’t be afraid to ask for help and post teasers.

    7.3 years ago
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    Oh thx by the way

    7.3 years ago
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    Not only complaining myself, but I am trying to help get other users get noticed

    7.3 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    Make sure to hit the reply button if you’re directing a comment at someone who doesn’t own the forum post

    It takes a long time to get noticed unless you’ve been playing for a long time and then make an account, or you’re somehow really good. On my old account it took me a year and a half to get to silver. Just because I didn’t challenge myself with builds. Now, after restarting, I know how to build fairly well, and I know what the site likes to see.

    7.3 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    If that plane you made is your best, you’ve got a long way to go before you get noticed. And as @Jengstrom said you’ve only posted once, why are you already complaining?

    7.3 years ago
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    I know, this is for all of us

    7.3 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    If you want to be noticed you have to post more than once. And you have to be active in the community. You've been here 11 months and your first activity on the site (that I can see) was less than an hour ago

    7.3 years ago
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    I'm not trying to force you people but please.

    7.3 years ago