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rockets. and modifying them.

1,769 Mijmaj  7.4 years ago

Well, you know how if you fire off rockets when they're attached to a detacher that has atleast some detach force, that their flightpath is now altered? (usually making them more of a pain to aim than understanding how hypno made planes) What if you XML attached a bomb/missile/another rocket/something else, adding weight to the front of the rocket? Would this pull the rocket from its usually straight flightpath or would it just continue normally?

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    1,769 Mijmaj

    @Flightsonic not on android either.

    7.4 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @Mijmaj if you're on android you can download the "Overload" mod to help with XML editing, and you can also do it manually from the directory

    7.4 years ago
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    1,769 Mijmaj

    @Flightsonic dont have pc version

    7.4 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    You can easily edit the XML for CoM, and unless you need the detacher to push the rocket, it's easier to just mirror a whole lot inside each other on a fuselage

    7.4 years ago