I added the "Health" attribute on parts. Sorry about taking absolutely ages about it, I started trying to make it so I wouldn't have to do that again for any other part attributes but that hit a bit of a roadblock and I started working on something else. Anyway, I took the 0.84 code and just added in Health. Updates are out on all platforms.
@WNP78 oh and i think that i will try to do something like that. SOON TM
@anssi you'd have to try it.
@WNP78 but if i change the health of the bombs would that work?
@anssi rockets have self destruct timers, but that would just destroy all your mini bombs straight away.
oh i tough that there was some command like release timer thing... or the self destruct timer thing...
@anssi not really, unless you spent a lot of time trying it would be hard to get the delay effect.
is there a way to make a cluster bomb that would open just seconds after deployment?@WNP78
@Alienbeef0421 s t a l i n= v o d k a v e r y s t r o n k
@DemonSniper8 if it's not there, add it yourself.
@Thomasj041 @WNP78 there is an attribute called "zeroondeactivation" or something that. It is set to "false" by default on most parts. Setting that to true should make hinges go back when deactivating
Alright, and a tiny issue I found in 0.84, the jet engines no longer have a power multiplier modifier on android. Was it fixed in 0.85?
No. @WNP78
@Thomasj041 you haven't set the activation group to 1 as well, have you?
@WNP78 It doesn't seem to do that with a hinge.
@Thomasj041 it should do exactly that
@WNP78 How do I make it go back when deactivated?
@Thomasj041 set the input to "Activate1"
Still can't figure out how to move a rotator by just pressing 1.
nice! now I can make invincible spaceships
Holy hell, now I can make an invincible P-47 XDDDDD
@Alienbeef0421 hahahahaha
Nice, now i can make stronk plane.
o v e r l o a d = s t a l i n
A w e s o m e n e w s