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Submit Your Planes (New YouTube Series)

23.2k XaFearedSniperx  7.5 years ago

As some of you may know, I have a YouTube channel called Heretic Gaming, and I used to make showcase videos where I showed off different users planes, as well as my own. Since my SimplePlanes videos tend to get a lot of views, I'm thinking of bringing back my old showcase series, and would like you guys to submit your creations!

Things to note:
1. I may not use every plane submitted
2. My videos will be monetized
3. I will give you full credit for your creation and put a link in the description
4. I’d like to make a trailer first, so the first video might not be up until I’ve made a couple first

Edit: I would prefer lower part counts (500 or less), since I use a laptop

Edit #2: The reason I may not use every plane isn’t because I don’t like your build. If I don’t end up using it, it’s most likely because it doesn’t fit with the style of video I want to make or I just am having trouble making a video that properly showcases it!