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Font problem

4 solongoj  7.4 years ago

I have a problem with displaying letters and some other characters in the game. Specifically, this is about most lower case letters (exept b and k), few capital letters (L, U), number 1 and the lower part of the aviahorizon. It appears in flight modes in all fields and in design mode. It's Windows 8, Steam, latest version of game, no added mods. May be there is any recomended framework to install or something else?

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    Also, I notice that that Save/Open plane list in constructor and select plane list in dogfight and racing modes work differently. These latter do not have this problem, moreover they could work with cyrillic and greek letters (sometimes i accidently typed them while saving, but list in constructor just ignore it) and if they on first position in plane name it go to the end of select list in dogfight and racing modes.

    7.4 years ago
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    198k SledDriver

    I had something similar happen just now, I opened the panel with the list of builds, filtered it, and some items were just a blank space. I could click on the blank space and the build would load just fine, just the text was missing. Windows 7 SP1.

    7.4 years ago
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    7.4 years ago