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119k DestinyAviation  7.4 years ago


August 11th, 1945; Major Helmut Klieigenkraft in his Ta-152 C-3. After ambushing a flight of four British Hurricanes (all of which he shot down), Maj. Helmut stumbled upon a British airfield. As he described, "The Sky was alight with smoke and fire. It was terribly exciting to bear witness to the marvel of flak." After performing three passes over the airfield, in which he destroyed two Spitfires on the ground and one more Hurricane, Helmut's wingman and number four were shot down. Neither bailed out. As Helmut was pulling out of his third pass, flak fire damaged his elevators, rendering them completely useless. To his luck, they had been jammed in the same position they had been when he was pulling up from his dive. Calmly, he ordered his number three to head home. However, his three, Lt. Gerard Hirschjager, disobeyed direct orders and stayed with his flight leader for the entire 45 minute flight home. Using his roll, yaw, and flaps, Helmut was able to successfully belly-landed his aircraft just 75m from his runway. Gerard landed shortly thereafter. Both were awarded the Iron Cross for their bravery and valor. The war ended one month later. Gerard was killed in action while diving on a column of tanks on October 1st, 1945. Helmut died of cancer on December 18th, 1990.