I would really want to see some low part count and nice looking replicas here. Just like weaverfish's new fighter series. I want to make some videos, even since it may lag me af. Can you link some planes to me? By low parts I mean no more than 200 parts. Every plane gets an upvote, if I haven't upvoted yet. They don't have to feature a cocpit or lots of decals, just to look realisticly.
You could give this one a try.
@Oski Aw, man, I'm mostly WWI. Well, hopefully you've gotten some help by now, eh?
@Phaz3Shift Ww2 planes
I know this post is a little old, but if you're still looking for planes, what kinds are you looking for?
I have a f-8 crusader
I have some low part count replicas, the more recent ones are better... As you go back in my profile the planes get visibly worse ;)
Here some russian bias
@Gestour Thx