how do i do the XML
Mac can, but via external source other than the app store e.g steam@Carsong1017
@diegoavion84 I don't think you can, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
@Carsong1017 and how do I do to boost the power to the bombs?
If you're on iOS or MAC, you can't. If you're on anything else, you download the Overload (the one I recommend) or Fine Tuner Mod.
Mac can, but via external source other than the app store
e.g steam@Carsong1017
@diegoavion84 I don't think you can, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
@Carsong1017 and how do I do to boost the power to the bombs?
If you're on iOS or MAC, you can't. If you're on anything else, you download the Overload (the one I recommend) or Fine Tuner Mod.