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CoT not showing correctly in editor

86 TheMathsGod  7.3 years ago

So... I made an aircraft, with the CoL and CoM in the right places. And noticed the CoT was below the centre of the aircraft. Not in the floor like it is when you have no engine, but about 1.5m or so below the front of the engine. So I thought 'oh well, probably hasn't updated the CoT properly. And I took it for a test flight. The thing just flipped out on me. So, I went back and sure enough, the CoT was still being all buggy. It didn't move when I rotated the engine, and by moving it and the cockpit into a separate aircraft, the CoT was now about the same distance to the right of the engine. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is it the game, the aircraft, or the device? I can post the aircraft if needed.

Edit: This seems to also happen with any new aircraft I make, no matter what propulsion I use. As far as I have seen, it's fine when loading aircraft made before this started happening. Plus, it seems to be fine in-game. This means that I should be able to create STOL aircraft just fine, but I can't create anything with VTOL as I can't see where the CoT is, and as many of you may know, the CoT has to be pretty much exactly above/below the CoM when doing VTOL aircraft

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    Nope. Not only did it not solve the issue, but it seems to be every engine that's affected. Although this seems to be in the editor only, the aircraft fly as if the CoT was in the correct place (I can tell because I just tested a plane with the CoT above the CoM, and I had to trim all the way to the bottom of the bar to keep it in level flight).
    Anything else? I should probably mention I'm using the Amazon/kindle version

    7.3 years ago
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    63.2k EpicPigster1

    Restart your game. Close it in your task manager. It usually does the trick.

    7.3 years ago