Sooo. I discovered that the community does not have the detailed and good quality An-71. I am not really good at replicas, so please make it. Thank.
To quote a 1994 song, get over it. @alexchub1
That didn't work @Awsomur @AudioDud3 They don't hear me((
I requested on EVERY post that you can request something on!! @Awsomur @AudioDud3
I’ve got to agree with @AudioDud3, stop asking everyone to build for you. Maybe just make a request to one person, but you just sound desperate asking the whole community.
To quote a 1994 song, get over it. @alexchub1
That didn't work @Awsomur @AudioDud3 They don't hear me((
I requested on EVERY post that you can request something on!! @Awsomur @AudioDud3
I’ve got to agree with @AudioDud3, stop asking everyone to build for you. Maybe just make a request to one person, but you just sound desperate asking the whole community.