I’m going to make something this year to celebrate Halloween
.ghost rod (Halloween Themed drag car)
.ghost fighter (a light stealth jet (surprisingly well armed and fast)
.dancing skeleton (does this really need explaining?) chose one folks
I’m going to make something this year to celebrate Halloween
.ghost rod (Halloween Themed drag car)
.ghost fighter (a light stealth jet (surprisingly well armed and fast)
.dancing skeleton (does this really need explaining?) chose one folks
@CALVIN232 honestly same, but I have kinda abandoned them at this point
@destroyerP imagine being gone for that long lol tbh I needed a task to start off made too many promises on projects then tried to make those projects better then my last and tbh took too much on.
So I'm now trying to get back in righting the wrongs hope you can understand that the person then isn't the same here I'd like to think I've changed
@CALVIN232 imagine replying to a 5 years old comment
@destroyerP winner I'll give it a go this Halloween
Dancing skeleton
ghost rod!
Change the skeleton to the worm