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Ideas for update 1.8

629 whalesharkgaming  7.4 years ago

everyone knows simple planes is a game where you build planes but it needed some improvements and new parts. here is all the things I want in the game. 1more jet and proppeler engines,2custom maps made by jundroo that are in ingame not in the stock map and we also need a flat map that has a airport and ground units,3more WEPONS we also need modules to build custom weapons like missiles,guns,bombs,and torpedos,4Decals evryone alwas wanted decals on their planes without using fusalauge blocks so we have to have a resizeable decal fusalauge and nose cone that you can draw things on your plane and change the decal colors and to plaste decals you can put them on by drawing them or copy and pasting frome the internet. and we also need nameplates that we can type anything on like numbers and words that can also have fonts,5 fusalauge bomb bays we needed these to build bombers with lower part numbers.6custom engine sounds and parts the stock engines are cool but could we build our own engines with custom sounds too that are in game.,7rims the wheels on our planes somtimes dont look that cool so we need rims that can be on the resizable wheels.,8 ingame scaling we have fine tuning but what scaling that needs to be added.9exploding tires remember those planes that crashed because of a flat tire like the concorde we need to have that feature FOR MORE DESTRUCTION.,10click to damage part ever wanted to make a part break without makeing an ai to destroy it or crashing it is what the game needs so we could make a movie where a plane engine catches on fire.,11air raid sirens and dive sirens air raid sirens can be placed around the map and dive sirens can be used for dive bombers as a part.12 lasers we need this to destroy planes and ships in a short time.13 the other dohickeys what there should be are a ai spawner for things like ships and aa tanks Sams also convoy trucks more car engines those spirals on jet engines that can rotate and you can set the spiral design that can be painted like
this and finaly these two landing gear landing gear and this

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    18.0k AtlasSP

    @MechWARRIOR57 yes

    7.4 years ago
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    please put in a bullet point format, this gives me a headache just trying to read it, and a lot of these things are too difficult, making custom sounds means we need to have the sound file, import it into the game, and a ton of other stuff, and most of this we can make on our own, and a lot of it shows skill, the game would be too easy if everyone was able to make a custom decal easy, it makes people appretiate the work more because they took the time to make the decal, and the custom decal could be used to break the rules. and lasers are way to far fetched, the parts in the game are modern with todays tech, not the future, and we can make lasers easy. the landing gear also shows skill

    7.4 years ago
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    post on user voice

    7.4 years ago