Get ready for it!
Thx @goboygo1
@RailfanEthan it is based on the He-111
Thx @RailfanEthan @ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
It looks like a HE-111H.
@RailfanEthan nO iT's a BoAt
MuRdErOuS B-17 FlIeS oVeR GeRmAnY dElIvErInG DeAtH fRoM aBoVe @RailfanEthan
iS tHaT a B-17
@FlyingThings yes, I find the cockpit to be fascinating
Thx @FlyingThings @KidKromosone
Was it inspired by a HE111? Because it kinda looks like one.
Thx @randomusername
Thx @goboygo1
@RailfanEthan it is based on the He-111
Thx @RailfanEthan @ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
It looks like a HE-111H.
@RailfanEthan nO iT's a BoAt
MuRdErOuS B-17 FlIeS oVeR GeRmAnY dElIvErInG DeAtH fRoM aBoVe @RailfanEthan
iS tHaT a B-17
@FlyingThings yes, I find the cockpit to be fascinating
Thx @FlyingThings @KidKromosone
Was it inspired by a HE111? Because it kinda looks like one.
Thx @randomusername