I gice I want to make a bomber but didn’t have idea ! Tell me a plane to base my self on and if you want to make a sepcial bomb for it go on I’ll credit you !
Thx !
I gice I want to make a bomber but didn’t have idea ! Tell me a plane to base my self on and if you want to make a sepcial bomb for it go on I’ll credit you !
Thx !
No problem @Dzeta8
Ok well there is many so I’ll try something ! Thx to you all !@doge @GINGER01 @DaKraken @FltLtFox @Kerbango @Oski
can't go wrong with the B-17
B-52 bomber
Build a Handley-Page 0/400 and make it fly on 400 hp engines as well.
Make a Spirit-ish bomber with mach 2 max speed and variable wings.