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More Settings for Hinges & Snapping Angled Parts

50 Someonetotheleft  7.3 years ago

I mentioned this once months ago but why not add a wider variety of settings for hinges. Specifically adding the ability to angle the hinge joint in the builder. Hinges in the builder should have those rectangles you see on wings in the builder to use as a guide of what angle the hinges are at. This could open up more possibilities for building one of which being custom landing gear. Landing gear can be built using a series of angled hinges, fuselage parts, and resizable wheels. There should also be a way that allows parts to snap onto other parts that had their angle altered. New parts will automatically snap to angled parts that are connected to the primary cockpit, not the other way around. Another quick idea for hinges is to make them seamless. Hinges should only be a joint without small bars sticking out to attach parts to. If you prefer hinges to have the bars, you can build them yourself using fuselage pieces.