Calling all builders! I’m betting you can make things! Is it planes? Cars? Tanks? Spaceships? Weapons of mass destruction? Great! Because if you can build those, you can build guns too!
HellRaiser wants to see YOUR creation in his Firearms Challenge! All you have to do… is build a gun (maybe give it a few moving bits if you want some bonus points)! Build a real one, make one up, paint it funky colors, attach a spoon for Jell-O… maybe make it shoot marshmallows? Be creative, we’re not judging! Just do it!
For anyone interested (that’s right, I’m looking at you), here’s the link to the challenge post:
Rip, forgot about this challenge
Of course this challenge gets made right after I made a gun for another firearm challenge just for it to be cancelled.
@MrDoolittle guess not ^^
Is there a maximum caliber?
@Oski Check out the linked post!
Finally something for me. How much entries can I make?
@Jetpackturtle Yes yes!