Hello there! (Comment if you read that like obi-wan) I just wanted to go over a few things with you guys even though technically only I am talking unless you comment XD. Anyways, first things first. I think we can do better! Recently, nobody has been really commenting, giving ideas, upvoting (besides that one guy who is upvoting everything, thanks man!) and stuff like that. This could simply be because I haven't been that active recently although I am working on that. But I think that 1. You guys forgot about me or 2. Everyone is occupied with another creator (not hating on them or anything, I'm sure they are good people). The reason I think this is because small creators don't get supported a lot in anything really (sorry if I sound whiny). Moving on, I have decided to set a goal. Lets reach silver by February 18th (my birthday)! Next, be ready for more challenges! I actually kind of made one on my last creation! Definatly check that out! Also, I have a YouTube channel if you didn't know! Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6P4uiD1sHR6y1VfNKVSE9w. I kinda suck at it, but its what I got! Finally, have a happy thanksgiving!!!
Lets talk
1,246 though
7.1 years ago
@Stellarlabs well thanks to you bro
Also I am that guy that upvotes everything
XD @though
@jamesPLANESii lol, 7 is actually my favorite number XD
@Awsomur noice
Lol you have 777 points.
It’s called an upvote spree. I’ve already got you to 700. @though
@destroyerP oh yeah! I remember that! XD
@Awsomur yes I'm talking about my planes and stuff, I know I sound whiny and stuff I just think we can improve, and How the heck can you single handedly get me to silver? XD
If you remember this. I guess you should had knew me
First off, yes I read it like Obi-Wan.
Second, are you speaking about only your planes? Because I’m seeing thousands of comments, upvotes and ideas going out everyday, so I’m not sure what lack of community involvement your talking about.
Third, I will personally get you to silver.