So I have been seeing a decrease in good mobile friendly bombers and I came up with an idea! I call it the Budget Bomber Challenge!!! The rules are:
1. Under 50 parts
2. Must be able to fly
3. Must have landing gear
4. Be creative!
5. Must be submitted by December 20th, that should give you quite a bit of time
6. Must have AT LEAST 1 droppable bomb
So that is basically all the rules! How it will work is I will download each plane and judge them based on these 3 things:
1. Control
2. Bombing capability
3. Looks
Once I get the scores for each category I will add the points up and whoever has the most points wins! The winner will receive 1. A shout out on my YouTube channel and 2. An upvote on most if not all their creations! This WILL be recorded and put on my YouTube channel! My YouTube channel (I know I suck XD)
Thank You Everyone for your continued support
Thats it! Entry is now closed! Stay tuned to see the announcement and tournament recording!
@Alienbeef0421 lol
@though xd
Actually I had no intention of joining the challenge, but hey, I trolled you
@Alienbeef0421 well yous gots to finds a way
@though but a working bomb bay already takes up 30 parts
@though XDDDDDDD
@PorkyClown3 yes, but the challenge requires 50 parts or less :3
Some mobile can hold 300-400
@Alienbeef0421 way to many parts XD
@Liquidfox lol
@Texasfam04 ;3
ya i think a low part bomber could be fun, i saw yours a sec ago. ill download it and see what i can do :-) @MakeshiftPlanes
@MakeshiftPlanes :3
@Liquidfox I was thinking you could comment the link, but since I rarely get tagged on someone elses aircraft you can. Also, as long as mod bomb bay doesn't mean I have to download the mod, its fine by me
@though Dough* :3
@Texasfam04 ^^ something for us huh?
Seems fun
@Liquidfox Yup, Very small amount of parts to build something normally requiring quite a few