I think it would be cool to release system of skins like in a "Besiege game"
If i have any mistakes in my english excuse me,i'm russian
I think it would be cool to release system of skins like in a "Besiege game"
If i have any mistakes in my english excuse me,i'm russian
Well, good luck people!
You're doing well with English, don't worry. I've never heard of such a game, but the skin system always looks fabulous.
@Alienbeef0421 or .obj
@TornadoRUS How about importing .stl files?
@Alienbeef0421 yes,it would be cool to paint textures in photoshop and import images to simpleplanes.
Хехехе лмао @Alienbeef0421
@TornadoRUS ah, so did you mean you want a texture painter?
@Johnnyboy9 boi
Ain’t nobody got time fo dat. @Johnnyboy9
Yeah he's right @DarthAbhinav
@DarthAbhinav the Russian alphabet is pretty easy to learn. A lot of the letters are the same as English.
XDD @DarthAbhinav . But on a more serious note, learn to read Cyrillic
Oh okay @Carsong1017 . Thanks anyway for responding.
@Johnnyboy9 I wouldn't know where to begin on this.
Better to actually learn than use google translate @DarthAbhinav @Awsomur . Look at this site
@Carsong1017 please help
What does "akh, teler' ya vizhu, Zto budet khoroshey osobennost'yu" mean @Awsomur
пожалуйста быть больше конкретно.
Также, я не понимаю русский хорошо. Я не Русский
Приветик друг
Google Translate. @DarthAbhinav
Ах, теперь я вижу. Это будет хорошей особенностью.
@Awsomur you do not understand me, you need to do so that the skin is applied to the part, and not just paint it in different colors
Прошу прощения за плохого русского, я пользуюсь переводчиком.
Такие уже существуют. Если вы заходите в меню красок и нажимаете стрелки, вы будете перемещаться по нескольким заранее приготовленным цветам.
These kind of already exist. If you go into the paint menu and click the arrows, you’ll cycle through some different pre-made colors.