Do you think the devs should remove the tags of YouTubers who no longer play SimplePlanes? (i.e. jacksepticeye)
@Kaos youtubers use their specific tag to find planes made by their community
But I'm saying is jacksepticeye will never come back to SP
@Kaos that already exists
No, because they may re-visit the game. The bearded beast is a good example. He will produce an SP video every month or two now, but went for a few months without making any SP videos.
@PorkyClown3 I'm trying to get LazarBeam to play it again, he doesn't have a tag though
@BroAeronautics You can only tag 3 people in the post
@AndrewGarrison @weebabyseemus @NathanMikeska @HellFireKoder
@Kaos youtubers use their specific tag to find planes made by their community
But I'm saying is jacksepticeye will never come back to SP
@Kaos that already exists
No, because they may re-visit the game. The bearded beast is a good example. He will produce an SP video every month or two now, but went for a few months without making any SP videos.
@PorkyClown3 I'm trying to get LazarBeam to play it again, he doesn't have a tag though
@BroAeronautics You can only tag 3 people in the post