Ok I've seen at least three or four posts about this thing and i just want to know why.
I don't think its breaking the rules, its just some anime build and i bet its nine year olds reporting it.
Just recently i heard that he (or she idk) made the breasts move which is weird but good attention to detail i guess.
I've tried it out and i must say they've done a good job with it.
So can the people who hating on it stop?
Just saying
Agreed, but this post will only incite the hatred further.
i no believing yuo@magicorn777
@QuantausAviation -420 seconds
-17 seconds notifcation
-17 seconds comment@Oski
@QuantausAviation because site thinks you wrote first XD
and my coment jumped befor urs
@QuantausAviation lol
-17 seconds
-6 seconds notifcation
-6 seconds comment@Oski
@QuantausAviation looks into biology book How isn't it banned then?
search it up ur self@magicorn777
@QuantausAviation how?
some people think its sexually sugestive