Hey everyone! As you may know, @CoolPeach and I were challenged by @EpicPigster1 (master of the P-47) to each build a P-47! CoolPeach already made his P-47N Meat Chopper and it's absolutely insane! Here are a few pics of mine:
It's the P-47D-22 Wild Bette! The queen of the skies, this beauty is equipped with bombs and eight fifty cals to obliterate any ground or air opponent. Part count is 350 right now, I will probably add some more stuff to the final product- upload expected tomorrow.
Let me know what you think!
@AverageDogeCoinInvestor thanks!
Cool nice job making my great grandpa's WW2 aircraft
@LuftwaffeAce262 glad you like it
@F4f879 it's actually pretty good.
@LuftwaffeAce262 how'd you like it
@F4f879 I was looking for a razorback p 47
@LuftwaffeAce262 how did you find this ancient post lmao
does it work?
@F4f879 just put # directly in front of a word
How? @WaffleCakes
just testing out how to make words big
its out!
its out!@Razor3278
its out!
@Gemista @EpicPigster1 @InternationalAircraftCompany
its out!
@shipster @CoolPeach @Jetpackturtle
Hopefully they're not overdone :) @InternationalAircraftCompany
Awesome!!! Thanks so much dude, I really appreciate it :) @shipster
@F4f879 :) You, have a new follower!
Oh boy another p-47
Thanks bro! @Jetpackturtle
Oh you're right I need to change that. Thanks! @CoolPeach
Oh also, the black strip at the top is more like a dark green/yellow. Correct me if I'm wrong however.
Whoo! That thing is SICK!
Wow! The highest compliment for a P-47 builder lol @shipster
@F4f879 your welcome! This is Piggy's level!!!